Get your dream job

M.AD graduates leave school fully prepared to face the world of work. It is not surprising that our job placement rate is 95%.

3 ways to boost your career

Professional Coaching

The instructors at Miami Ad School Madrid are all active professionals in the sector. They will guide you through the difficulties you encounter in your career such as the development of your professional portfolio, applications, interviews, etc.

In addition, we will assign you a mentor who is a former student, who has successfully achieved his goals and who is close to the feelings and experiences that you can go through as a student.

Portfolio Review

The definitive opportunity to find a professional partner. There is nothing like it in the world.

Students undergo up to 10 interviews in a day, meeting creative industry leaders and forging personal connections. Some receive offers right away.

Contacts for life

During your studies, you will create a professional network of more than 100 contacts. We also have an internal website where graduates can find job vacancies posted by leading agencies (and post them themselves!). We also use our closed alumni group on LinkedIn to share updates and encourage networking among our growing family of graduates.

Your career begins the day you step foot in Miami Ad School

At most schools, help getting a job (if you need it) comes right after graduation.

You'll be encouraged to promote yourself and take your own creative reputation seriously. By the time you graduate, you will be more than prepared.

Take a look at the portfolios of our graduates

Our students love M.AD

How can you tell if a school really works?

You will hear it in the voices of the graduates. You'll see it in the amazing work they do once they leave. And in the case of MAD, all you have to do is listen to what our graduates have to say.

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